Testimonial - A drummer's experience

Ultimate Ears Pro makes outstanding CIEMs, and drummer Mikkel is so excited about the cables and connectors they use, that he wanted to share his experiences. Mikkel was ready to quit using UE CIEMs, but with the change to estron T2 and Linum cables, his favourite CIEM is still UE.
We hereby share Mikkel's story and experience using Linum cables.
Mikkel is a professional musician and drummer for more than 18 years and sells UE CIEMs for Audiovox, an authorised Danish UE dealer.
A few years ago, Mikkel was ready to quit using UE monitors because of a poor cable, but then UE changed to the estron T2 micro connector system, and the Linum detachable cable. Now, UE11 for drummers with T2 and Linum SuperBaX is Mikkels favourite monitor. Mikkel prefers UE CIEMs because of the cable.

Mikkel has shared his thoughts and experiences with us:
“The Linum cables are exquisite to work with, soft to the skin, and the earhook is comfortable. Not so heavy and clumsy as cables that come standard with other monitors.
That’s how we sell the UE monitors, because of the cables. Linum cables are good high quality cables, no claims. I love it.
Customers ask, will it really work with a cable this thin? And I tell them, it will last. I have supplied UE monitors to musicians for almost two years now and have no claims. My customers really appreciate the cables. The cables are durable and comfortable to wear. Even when tightened hard behind the neck it is nice to wear.
Also. The T2 plug is much more durable than the MMCX plug, which tends to corrode. And it is a more stable socket than the 2-Pin system, which tends to loosen, and damage the socket.
I have not experienced this with the T2 connector system which is robust, water, and sweat resistant.
I have a customer, a musician, who broke 6 universal monitors within a year because of sweat. 5 months ago, he switched to a UE monitor with the estron T2 connector and Linum SuperBaX cable, and he is super happy."
September 2023, by Mikkel Bisgaard Farsø, professional musician and drummer
Want to know/see more about:
-> Ultimate Ears Pro (External link)
-> Audiovox (External link - Danish)